It's All About The Arbitrage!

I'm baaack! 

It's been more than a year since my last post, and about as long since I wrote off all attempts at making money online as a foolish endeavor.  But I am back to say that, thanks to crypto, we now can make money online, and in ways that are practically effortless.

I've been putzing around with various ways of using crypto to make money, and while ANYTHING INVOLVING CRYPTO IS INHERENTLY RISKY, I believe I've hit upon a couple websites that are a reasonable risk for MONEY YOU WON'T BE DESTITUTE IF YOU LOSE.  

I'll go into further detail on each of these guys in future posts, but since crypto is time sensitive, let me go ahead and get you links to each of them now.

The first two are arbitrage sites, where you make money by buying crypto at a slightly cheaper price off one exchange, then selling it for a slightly higher price on another.  To do this manually would be very difficult, so what these sites offer is software that searches out crypto price differences for you.

Both of these sites are very hot right now on YouTube, with folks making a ridiculous return using them.  But ..... bear in mind that the super-duper high returns are due to folks with popular YouTube channels getting lots of money from referral signups.  If you are good at networking, by all means don't pass up building a "team" under you!  

1. Cryptos OTC  - .  If you can only invest in one site, this is the one I think you should try.  It does involve some manual intervention during the day, but I kinda enjoy that.  (Then again, I'm retired with nothing better to do!)

2. MetaFiYielders  - .   

The next two sites are what are known as "miners", which I guess is current crypto jargon for modified Ponzi schemes.  These are even more risky than the arbitrage sites, so DO NOT PUT MONEY INTO THEM THAT YOU CAN NOT AFFORD TO LOSE!  However, folks on YouTube are crowing about how much money they have made on Baked Beans, so maybe you will too?

These two sites have to be "attached" to a compatible wallet.  I have used both Trust Wallet and Infinity Wallet to link to sites like these successfully, but I will admit that if you have never done it before, there is quite a learning curve involved.

3. Baked Beans  - .  This site **may** have its best moments behind it now, so "invest" cautiously.

4. Turd Burglar  - .  Due to the success of Baked Beans, a whole bunch of copycat Dapps were released which, in some cases, did nothing more than change the name of the contract.  A YouTuber I follow, Justin Pratt, got disgusted with all these cheap imitations, so he created one of his own, the illustrious "Turd Burglar".   How could I NOT throw a hundred bucks into a project with such a fine pedigree?

Finally, if you know me from, (I post there as OldBastard - come join me! ), I have written about the THORWallet app on that site before.  Despite being promoted by many prominent YouTubers as a great DeFi app, I have found it to be nothing more than another place to HODL coins.  Of course, it is probable that I am just too stupid to know how to use it properly, but it doesn't seem like a powerful income generator to me.   


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